Cinematic Convolutions: Catching Words in the Rye


In the words of David Fincher on how movies affect people: “As an audience, they know you can do anything. So its not about what you do, its about what you don’t do.”

And the Catcher In the Rye doesn’t do many things.

To great effect.

This is How Catcher in The Rye made me a better filmmaker.

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Not Quite Finished Yet

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Ah, just two more weeks of school left. Some of you may have already begun summer vacation, but those of you who are like me, are still trying to finish the home stretch of this school year out strong. About a month or two ago, I couldn’t wait until summer. Summer couldn’t come fast enough. But with only a few weeks left, call me crazy, but a part of me wishes that this school year can last a bit longer.

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